Class 3 Homework

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Class Three Homework:

20 minutes reading every night.  Please initial your child's homework diary if they have read to you or if they have read independently. 

Monday - 20 minutes of Mental Maths to be completed by Thursday.  Please date and initial your child's maths book to show the section completed.

Wednesday - Reading Comprehension to be handed in on Monday.

Friday - Spellings to be learnt for a test the following Friday.

Remember to ask your parents/carers to date and initial your homework diary/maths book to show what you have done.

There are lots of other things that you can do in your spare time to help with your school work:

Log into Abacus to complete the Maths games that link to our learning in school. 

Practise your times tables.

Practise your spellings and think up strategies for words you get stuck on: 'necessary' - never eat cake eat salad sandwiches and remain young  or  'business' - put the bus in business.

Log into our Class 3 blog and try out the maths games or the 100 word challenge. Add a comment about 'The Foolish Father' picture from assembly or give your views on what your classmates have said.  There are some really interesting ideas already!

We've really enjoyed seeing lots of Home Learning that many of you have been bringing in, including: prayers, poems, stories and maths practice.  We particularly enjoyed sharing all the topic based power points that you chose to do at home on The Victorians and The Trinity.  Keep up the brilliant work!  What can you find out about our new topic - Coast to Coast?

Check out BBC Bitesize