
Partney Church of England Aided Primary School Governing Body

Annual Governance Statement September 2018

Governors attendance and terms of office

Governors Committees 2019/20

Terms of Reference Full Board of Governors

Terms of Reference  Finance and Staffing

Terms of Reference Pupils and Curriculum


Joanna Claire Lennon.

I was appointed in September 2022 by the Diocese as a Foundation Governor for a further 4 year term. I am currently Chair of Governors . I am the SEND, Sports Premium and Link Governor. I have no associated business interests or personal relationships to declare.

Emma Louise Morris

Foundation Governor. I was re appointed in September 2022 by the Diocese as a Foundation Governor for a further 4 year term.  I am currently Co-Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of the Pupil and Curriculum Committee. I am Pupil Premium governor.  I have no associated business interests or personal relationships to declare.

Sarah Louise Morris 

Parent Governor appointed in September 2015 for a 4 year term. 
I chair the Finance and Staffing committee and am Co-vice Chair of governors.
I have specific responsibility for EYFS and the website.
I have no associated business interests or personal relationships to declare.


Laura Mangion

Parent Governor appointed September 2021


Sue Belton

Foundation Governor Appointed 13 September 2022


Mandy Whittaker

Staff Governor Appointed 13 September 2022


Reverend Teressa McLaughlin

I am the ex-officio Foundation governor, I started in May 2017 I sit on the Finance and staffing Committee. I have no associated business interests of personal relationships to declare.


Sue Kay Head teacher



Kathryn Ann Odlin (resigned 13/09/2022)

I am a Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese in September 2018 for a further 4 year term. 


Brian Williams (resigned 13/09/2022)

I am a Foundation Governor, appointed by the Diocese in August 2016 for a four year term.

Clerk to Governors: Lincolnshire County Council Governor's Clerking Service.

To contact the Clerk to Governors please email: [email protected]

 For information on the Role of the Governing Body click here.